Awards Nominations Criteria 2023 - AUSactive

Awards Nominations Criteria

The AUSactive National Awards Program judging process is rigorous, transparent, and taken very seriously by the Independent Industry Judging Panel. The process is reviewed and refined each year to ensure annual procedures continue to align with the Awards’ values of integrity, equity and inclusiveness, while continuing to remain relevant within the evolving health and fitness industry.


Entries for The AUSactive National Awards Program 2023 are open to all AUSactive Professionals, Businesses, Students, CEC Providers, and all Community Programs. The eligibility period is from 01 January 2022 to 12 April 2023.

Selection Criteria

  • Significant impact on their clients and their contribution to the Australian Active Health and Exercise Industry
  • An inspirational role model and leader for the Australian preventative exercise industry and community
  • Demonstrated excellence and professionalism in their field
  • The Community Categories acknowledges a significant contribution to communities or the well-being of Australians

Awards Eligibility

  • All nominees will be considered for an AUSactive Award
  • All nominees in the business and the individual categories must be current AUSactive members
  • Nominees must be Australian citizens and reside in Australia
  • Nominees must be at least 17 years of age on 1 January of the Awards year
  • All categories except the Roll of Honour and Chairs award, can be self-nominated or nominated by someone in the community or industry
  • Absolutely NO weight is given to the number of times a person enters into multiple categories or over numerous years
  • At the national level, a person cannot receive a second award in the same award category in consecutive years but can be considered for recognition in a separate category in following years, for example, Student of the Year and then Personal Trainer of the Year
  • Unsuccessful nominees may be re-nominated in subsequent years
  • Current members of the AUSactive Board or staff are not eligible

Community Awards Criteria

Judges have 100 marks to allocate to each case study. Below is the guide we ask the judges to apply when scoring each entry submission.

Please ensure you address all criteria when creating your case study. We highly recommend you follow the same criteria order listed below to ensure the judges can easily find the relevant information for each section.

Each award entry needs to be submitted in one document. You have up to ten A4 pages to create your case study. You may use as little or as much space as you wish for each question, so long as your total written case does not exceed ten A4 pages.

This does not include the instructions, front cover, media articles or the additional exceptions discussed below.

The use of charts, graphs and images is strongly encouraged throughout or at the end of the case study. Graphs and charts are additional to the ten A4 pages. Images must not exceed three A4 pages, which can also be additional to the written case study.

By entering you are providing permission to AUSactive to promote and publicise your case study. As a result, AUSactive will have permission to display any finalist and winning entries on the AUSactive Awards website and in industry communications. Entrants will be given the opportunity to remove sensitive information before publication. However, the organisers reserve the right to withhold the case from publication should the removal of data significantly impact the credibility of the case.

Question 1: Executive Summary – Initiative Overview, 300 words (20 Points)

This section should explain the community or business initiative or program including key areas such as; What is the initiative? Where did the program take place? When did it commence and how long it will run for? Who is the initiative for? Summarise the key points of the case study. It should restate the purpose of the application, highlight the major points of the project, and describe any top line results and conclusions that will be elaborated on in the rest of the case study.

Question 2: Why did this initiative or program start? 200 words (10 Points)

Describe why the program / project was initiated and how your team went about the first stages or researching and designing and program. Discuss the need for this program and the uniqueness and problem it is helping to solve. Entries should succinctly explain the big idea that drove the project.

Questions 3 to 5: Challenge, Objectives & Strategy, each section 200 words (30 Points)
  • Entries need to build a compelling case with the answers to the three questions from 3 to 5 with a maximum 10 points for answers to each question.
  • Objectives should be quantified by describing the problem you are trying to overcome rather than list a series of desired outcomes. Entries will be marked down for not providing measurable goals unless the reasons for not doing so are well-argued.
  • Judges will consider the degree of difficulty and impact when allocating marks. Higher marks are deserved by cases with a greater degree of difficulty and a greater impact.
Questions 6: Stakeholders 250 words (10 Points)
  • List the key stakeholders involved in the project and what key part they played. A testimonial could add value to this section.
Question 7: PR & Marketing 250 words (10 Points)
  • Examples of media mentions and engagement, press releases, industry engagement.
  • Explain the communications strategy that took the program to market. We need to understand the channels used, and why.
  • What was your social media reach and engagement?
  • Discuss any key marketing strategies and targets for the program.
Question 8: Results and Outcomes 250 words (10 Points)
  • Show how the project and program achieved or exceeded objectives and demonstrate key areas that made a difference.
  • The results should relate back to the objectives; the data should support the assertions; the timescale should be clear. Hard data is more important. Outcomes such as awareness can also help support your case.
Question 9: Why does your Program or initiative deserve an Award? 150 (10 Points)
  • Judges will give additional marks to exceptional ideas, exceptional results and to programs and projects that have a lasting social impact.
Question 10
  • In 25 words (2-3 sentences), please summarise your nomination; highlighting your achievements and impacts made. This summary will be used for all media purposes and onstage presentations at the gala dinner.

Business Awards Criteria

All entrants must be current AUSactive business members. Please see the category criteria and guidelines before submitting your entry to ensure you or the nominee business is eligible.


Judges have 100 marks to allocate to each award entry. Below is the guide we ask the judges to apply when scoring each entry submission.   Please ensure you address all questions when creating your award entry  Each question needs to be responded to in the relevant area provided. Judges will not look back over previous responses to find the answer.


By entering you are providing permission to AUSactive to promote and publicise your responses and any images or video footage. As a result, AUSactive will have permission to display any finalist and winning entries on the AUSactive Awards website and in industry communications. Entrants will be given the opportunity to remove sensitive information before publication.
Business Overview
Brief background of the business/organisation. Responses should include but not restricted to the following.
  • What year did the business open?
  • What type of services does the business offer?
  • How many staff?
  • How many members?
Success Stories
  1. Outline how the business has made an impact on the wider community? (150 words) (10 Points)
  2. What has been the businesses greatest success story over the past 12mths? (150 words) (10 Points)
  3. Discuss any training and development programs you have implemented for your staff. (150 words) (10 Points)
  4. How does the business encourage Australians to get more active? (100 words) (10 Points)
Customer Success (20 Points)
  1. Examples of customer service excellence: Any metrics or examples that could be used to demonstrate customer service excellence, for example increase in customer satisfaction, increase in membership retention, decrease in customer complaints etc.
Challenges & Barriers (100 words) (10 Points)
  1. What has been the biggest challenge or barrier and how did your business overcome it?
Leadership (100 words) (10 Points)
  1. Tell us how your business has displayed leadership for your community and why your business should win this award.
Conclusion (10 Points)
  1. In 50 words (2-3 sentences), please summarise your nomination; highlighting your achievements and impacts made. This summary will be used for all media purposes and onstage presentations at the gala dinner.
  2. Upload 3 images of you / the nominee with clients, the community, working environment or headshot.
  3. Upload video footage that can be used in promotions.

Individual Awards Criteria

All entrants must be current AUSactive members and be qualified and registered as an exercise professional in the category they are applying for. Please see the category criteria and guidelines before submitting your entry to ensure you or the nominee is eligible.


Judges have 100 marks to allocate to each entry. Below is the guide we ask the judges to apply when scoring each award entry. Please ensure you address all questions when creating your entry. Each question needs to be responded to in the relevant area provided. Judges will not look back over previous responses to find the answer.


By entering you are providing permission to AUSactive to promote and publicise your responses and any images or video footage. As a result, AUSactive will have permission to display any finalist and winning entries on the AUSactive Awards website and in industry communications. Entrants will be given the opportunity to remove sensitive information before publication.
  1. Upload your CV/Resume – 2 pages maximum (10 Points)
Background Overview
  1. Describe a brief background of your / the nominee’s current position and role. (50 words) (10 Points)
  2. List your / the nominee’s education & experience: Qualifications and work experience. (100 words) (10 Points)
  3. Discuss any training and development undertaken in the past 24mths and how this has benefited and been implemented into your / the nominee’s work. (100 words) (10 Points)
Success Stories
  1. What’s your / the nominee’s favourite client success story? (100 words) (10 Points)
  2. What’s been your / the nominee’s biggest success from the last year? (100 words) (10 Points)
  3. How do you / the nominee encourage Australians to get more active and why do you see this as important? (100 words) (10 Points)
Challenges & Barriers (100 words) (10 Points)
  1. What has been your / the nominee’s biggest challenge or barrier and how did you / they overcome it?
Leadership (100 words) (10 Points)
  1. Tell us how you or the nominee has displayed leadership qualities and why you / they should win this award?
Conclusion (10 Points)
  1. In 50 words (2-3 sentences), please summarise your nomination; highlighting your achievements and impacts made. This summary will be used for all media purposes and onstage presentations at the gala dinner.
  2. Upload 3 images of you / the nominee with clients, the community, working environment or headshot.
  3. Upload video footage that can be used in promotions.

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